Nutrition Action Plans: New Year Goals

We’re not going to get crazy in detail and tell you that in order to be healthy you have to follow a very restricted diet for the rest of your life. However, we do want to give you some simple and EFFECTIVE nutrition goals for your new year’s weight loss plans. We know these plans work because we’ve tried them ourselves, and we encourage all of our patients to follow them as well.

The goal isn’t to count calories, because the truth is that giving your body less in general does much more harm than good in the long run. There is no target quantity of calories by design, as long as the diet is made of healthy foods, the body will match calories in and energy consumed until optimal weight is achieved. The goal is to give your body the best nutrients and the RIGHT kind of fat, healthy fat.

So what are these “healthy” fats and why are they healthy? According to The Bulletproof Diet, some of the best fats to eat are pastured egg yolks, coconut and MCT oil, extra virgin olive oil, avocado oil, grass-fed butter, and fish oils. According to clinical research, the healthy fats in oil can prevent weight gain by increasing metabolism, increase absorption of vitamins, help nerve transmission, lower risks of heart disease, decrease blood pressure, and lubricate joints. Therefore, don’t be afraid of FAT, just stay away from the unhealthy polyunsaturated fats.

Here are some other great tips to start off 2014:

  1. If you really want to see a difference in your overall health, cut out gluten. Get rid of cereal, bread, and pasta and stick to brown rice, oats, and quinoa.
  2. Stop cooking with corn, soy, or canola oil and replace with EVOO or coconut oil.
  3. Remove processed and homogenized dairy completely. Generally, whole dairy from grass-fed cows only is good for most people.
  4. Grass-fed beef in general is much better for you and TASTES better than grain-fed (and usually hormone injected) cows. Besides, cows are suppose to eat grass.
  5. Eliminate all synthetic additives, colorings, and flavorings.  This includes aspartame, MSG, dyes, and artificial flavorings.

These are some simple and effective plans to start your new year off on the right foot. With today’s scientific findings, we see the damage that processed, hormone injected, and artificial foods can have on your body and brain. Eating natural foods will always be the best choice for your overall health.

For more in depth questions and specific diet plans, call our office for a consultation. Our facility specializes in overall wellness by use of acupuncture, nutritional counseling, physical therapy, orthotics, chiropractic care, and massage therapy. We strive to make our patients not only lose weight, but boost their immune system. As our special for the new year, we’re offering one 1 hour massage, chiropractic consultation, and exam for only $80 for January’s “New Year, New You!” program. Call us today!

TBC Health and Wellness Center

1s132 Summit Ave, Suite 307

Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181


Childhood Obesity – Youth at Risk

ImageObesity in children has become a growing epidemic, especially in America. Childhood obesity occurs when a child is significantly over the normal weight for his or her age and/or height. The problem is that this issue this isn’t taken as seriously as should. These extra pounds on children not only cause short term, immediate problems – but pave the way for very serious health problems later on in life.

Not only can childhood obesity leave children with low self-esteem, it can easily lead to diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and a number of other health issues. According to the CDC, in a sample of 5-17 year olds, 70% of obese youth had at least one risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Obese children and adolescents are also at greater risk of joint and bone problems, sleep apnea, and social problems according to the CDC.

Children that become obese early on are very likely to stay obese later in life. Not only does this put them at risk for the health issues listed above, but obesity has also been associated with increased risk of many cancers (such as ovary, thyroid, prostate, esophagus, kidney, pancreas, colon, endometrium, myeloma, and more).

Prevention of childhood obesity starts with the family. While there are children that are obese due to hormonal imbalances, most children become obese by exercising too little and eating too much. The very best way to prevent obesity in children is by improving the exercise and diet habits on the entire family. If mom or dad likes to eat fast food and lay on the couch, why wouldn’t the child? Children are like sponges, and tend to follow in their parents footsteps. This is why it is crucial for parents to lead by example and ingrain a healthy lifestyle into their children early on. An abundance of high-calorie, easy to make foods in the house will certainly put children at risk of weight gain. Too much time in front of the TV or playing video games also encourages children that physical inactivity is acceptable. One thing parents and caregivers can do is make exercising fun for children. Take the kids swimming, biking, roller blading, etc. or go for walks/hikes on a regular basis. It’s easier for children to keep up an exercise regimen throughout their life if they start early!

If you think your child may be putting on too much weight, it may be time to see a doctor. Your health care practitioner can help determine if your child is at a healthy weight by looking at your family history, the child’s past growth, and where they fall on the growth charts. Call your doctor today and make sure your child is developing at a healthy rate! 

TBC Health and Wellness Center

1S132 Summit Ave Ste. 307

Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181


Could you have Degenerative Disc Disease?

ImageAs we grow older, our body goes through many traumas on a micro and macro level. We may have a fall, a bump, or any other type of injury that does noticeable damage to our body or spine. We also experience micro traumas – injuries that often go unnoticed and occur over time due to excessive wear and tear. When these wears and tears effect the vertebral discs (the shock absorbers between the vertebrae of the spine), it is known as Degenerative Disc Disease.

            As stated before, there is a chance that Degenerative Disc Disease will be painless at first and go unnoticed. This is because the nerves themselves only perceive about 5-10% of pain, meaning that we may be injured and feel nothing at all. In fact it is noted that most people will have some level of disc degeneration by their 60’s, yet most will not have back pain. If left untreated long enough, however, Degenerative Disc Disease often causes severe chronic pain.

            Some major symptoms of DDD include chronic lower back /neck pain, hip pain, and pain in the buttocks or thighs while walking. Other symptoms may include tingling and/or weakness in the fingers, knees, and hands. Chronic neck pain can also radiate pain to the head, arms, shoulders, and hands. It’s also not uncommon for people with DDD to develop Cervical Arterial Disease – resulting in vertigo, headaches, and temporary memory loss.

            Often time, DDD can be treated successfully without invasive surgical procedures. Surgery of the spine is highly risky, and is often times unnecessary. A doctor of chiropractic specializes in the musculoskeletal system and spine health. After diagnosis, a chiropractor will work to make a specific treatment plan designed for the individual. Treatment of this condition generally involves spinal adjustments, physical therapy, and anti-inflammation techniques such as ultrasound. A chiropractor can also give you recommendations regarding nutrition and the proper lifestyle changes to manage DDD.

            If you or someone you know is experiencing chronic or radiating pain, it’s time to schedule an appointment with your chiropractor. In 2012, it was noted that nearly 30% of young, healthy adults with no back pain had disc degeneration on their MRI scans. This is why it’s important – symptoms or no symptoms – to get your spine checked. Don’t hesitate to take preventative measures towards your health and call your chiropractor today for a spinal evaluation.

TBC Health and Wellness Center

1S132 Summit Ave, Ste. 307

Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181


P: 630-705-1475




Men’s Health Week – Stroke Prevention & Awareness


“Knowing the risk factors and signs of a stroke is the first step in stroke prevention.”

Stroke is the third leading cause of death in the United States, as well as the leading cause of long term disability. Strokes are more common in men (57% of strokes) than in women, which is why Men’s Health Week is the perfect opportunity to raise awareness of stroke prevention.

Strokes are also thought of as “brain attacks.” They occur when blood supply to any part of the brain becomes interrupted. This loss of oxygen and glucose to the brains cells causes them to die. If the stroke is not caught early, death or permanent brain damage can be the end result.

How does a stroke happen? There are two different kinds of strokes – Hemorrhagic strokes and Ischemic Strokes. When a blood vessel in the brain ruptures, this is known as a Hemorrhagic stroke. This causes blood to seep into the tissue of the brain, which causes further damage and death of brain cells. High blood pressure or hypertension (which is generally more common in men) and brain aneurisms (thinning of blood vessel walls) are the most common causes of this kind of stroke.  

Nearly 80% of all strokes are Ischemic. These kinds of strokes also occur within the blood vessels of the brain. It’s similar to a heart attack in the fact that blood clots block blood flow. These clots can form either in the blood vessels of the brain, or in other vessels of the body that travel to the brain. The blocked blood flow again deprives the brains cells the necessary oxygen and glucose needed, causing them to die.  

What are the most common signs of a stroke?

  • Severe/sudden headache
  • Loss of vision or blurred vision
  • Difficulty speaking or understanding others
  • Loss of balance
  • Numbness or weakness on one side of the body (leg, arm, face)

Fortunately, there are many risk factors you can change. Number one – if you smoke, quit! Smoking severely increases your risk of blood clots. Diet, exercise, and medicine are also crucial when it comes to managing high blood pressure and/or cholesterol levels. Limiting consumption of alcohol is also important. For men, it is recommended no more than 2 drinks per day. Keeping a balanced diet of fruit, vegetables, lean proteins, and low-fat dairy products will help eliminate risk. Also, avoid high sodium foods and foods high in “saturated” or “hydrogenated” fats.

Some people may have no warning signs or symptoms of a stroke, which is why it’s so important to get regular checkups by a doctor. As most of us may know, men are usually less inclined to make regular doctor visits, especially if they have no pre-existing issues. On top of that, balancing a career and family life can cause men to put their health on the backburner. However, catching problems before they become serious is the best way to prevent diseases and incidents such as a stroke. Encourage your loved ones to get take control of their health and get checked out regularly.

Did you know?

Research has shown that chiropractic adjustments can also considerably help lower high blood pressure.  A Chicago study of 50 individuals with a misaligned C-1 Atlas vertebrae (located in the higher neck) that had high blood pressure showed that after only one specialized chiropractic adjustment, their blood pressure significantly decreased (The University of Chicago Medicine). This area of the neck is very susceptible to misplacement, as it is only held in place by surrounding soft tissue.  This is another reason why spinal alignment is so important for overall health. When there are spinal subluxations, our nervous and immune systems aren’t functioning at 100%. Getting an examination by your chiropractor can help bring any underlying issues to light and ultimately decrease your risk for diseases such as stroke.

The first step in stroke prevention is awareness – In light of Men’s Health Week, we encourage you to share our blog and spread the word!